RATINGS: A = must own B = buy it C= average D = yawn F = puke

The Beatles – Yellow Submarine
Capitol Records



Released separately are the classic album and the animated movie of Yellow Submarine. How easy can a review be? I mean come on, this is a classic cartoon along with a soundtrack that contains the songs “Yellow Submarine,” “Eleanor Rigby,” “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,” “With A Little Help From My Friends,” “Baby You’re a Rich Man,” “All You Need is Love,” “When I’m 64” and “Nowhere Man.”

The movie is pure ‘60’s hippy dippy weirdo stuff but it is also very entertaining. The reproduction and modernization of sight and sound could not be better. This is a true monument to an era gone by.

The bottom line here is to buy a copy of each. They will both bring smiles to your face and serve as good educational tools for the young rockers in your life that need to be taught about this classic band.

By Jeb Wright